In the mid-19th century in Prussia, Dr. Maria Faust, called the “Witch of Königsberg,” signed with the demon Mepistopheles, meets Martin, a curious young man who dreams of becoming a novelist, on a journey to find a “way to save the dead.” Faust is overthrown once by Valentin, the evil man who antagonizes her, but with the help of Martin and her pupil Wagner, who adore her, she rises again. After all sorts of things, Faust finds the truth she’s been looking for, but she realizes her fault again…

Followed by 11 people
Type Manhwa
Released 2023
Author Gwin
Artist Gwin
Serialization KakaoPage (Kakao)Kakao Webtoon League (Daum)Naver Best Challenge (Naver)Kakao Webtoon (Daum)
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